Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Josephine Kimberling

MORGAN: Spring is way past due as far as I'm concerned, and these new fabrics by the amazingly talented and prolific designer, Josephine Kimberling are just what I need! We had the pleasure of getting to work with Josephine for a brief period and quickly learned that her sense of trend and color is unmatched by anyone! She knows what we are all going to be yearning for next season before we know it ourselves! Congrats to Josephine on this new line of fabrics available by the yard at Robert Kaufman Fabrics. I want to order every single one! Fabulous designs, Josephine! Also, see Josephine's blog and flickr page.
{All beautiful photographs above by natalie g. photography}


  1. Morgan and Carrie!! I just stumbled across your blog, and am blushing. Thank you girls so much for your super-sweet post! I can't wait to see what amazing things you will make, as you both are supreme designers. Miss you both!

  2. so sweet fabric all design.To get more design in weaveron textile click on this link....:http://www.weaveron.com/
